Susan van de Ven

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Bassingbourn, Litlington, Melbourn, Meldreth and Whaddon Learn more

Melbourn Hub safety fencing

by Susan van de Ven on 11 May, 2017

A few questions have come in about the new fence along the lawn at the Melbourn Hub, and specifically, how it was paid for. Here’s the background:

Roughly four weeks ago, a small child escaped from his mother’s sight and wandered off the front of the hub’s grassed area and onto the pavement. He was grabbed seconds before he stepped into the road just as a lorry came along. This event had a profound effect on the management group (especially the person who grabbed him back). As a result the fence you see now was planned and built.

The member of the management group concerned contacted various local companies and asked for their help. What happened was truly amazing: Norbury building supplies donated the fence and all materials concerned, Herts and Cambs donated the labour to build the fence, local trades people gave their time and skills free to assist with the build, as did members of the Hub management group. Phillimore’s garden centre donated the new plants that now make the new garden bed to the front.

Not one penny of public of other money has been spent on the fence. It was completely built with a deep concern for the safety of children.

When planning permission was gained in 2013 for the new housing and the Hub, there was a proviso that the front be ‘open aspect’. SCDC planners were contacted following the child safety incident and asked if the fence was allowed, and their answer was yes.

Well done and thanks to everyone who made this happen.

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